Tuesday, May 06, 2008

And Across The Street

From Eunice's was this fine example of the state of the union. It explained a lot.
TootsiesTootsie Fruit Rolls were the candy of choice for my birthday sojourn. Lovely, but not enough sugar to prevent me from heading down a busy one way street against traffic just as an ambulance was speeding toward me.
It was going in the right direction.
I was chasing a dog that was crossing the streets of Prairie du Chien like it had an agenda, and I was afraid he'd head into the even busier main drag.
Maybe he was looking for the Crawford County GOP headquarters. Yes, I'm assuming the dog was both male, and Republican.

Rep Party of Crawford Co.I had to drive up a steep green lawn, still facing the wrong way, to avoid becoming a headline in the local bi-weekly news shopper. Never found the damn dog. But I was elated to find the Republican Party living the high life across the street from Eunice's.


  1. gives a white 'nother twist to the male-republican thing doesn't it? lol...

  2. Male-Republican cheese and sausage log eatin' Turkey hunters.

  3. I love how you incorporate candy into everything. :) It looks so pretty sitting there too!

  4. I'm a white male republican! And the problem is?

  5. Thanks Lisa, I have to at least pretend this is a candy blog. That was overlooking the Mississippi just as the WI River ends.

  6. So tempted to say "'nuff said," but hrmm, are you a male republican dog? He was actually a brown lab.

  7. Did you get the hound?

  8. No. I chased that little shit until I wound up at a flooded road, then gave up. Maybe I'll throw in a photo since I'm working on the next post right now. Hope it's as nice up there as it is down here.

  9. LOL! Oh my gosh, Jeanna! You totally crack me up! I bet you're even funnier in person! :) Great post! XO

  10. Hey, it's the Red Eye Express. How goes it, you little multitasker?


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