Nanci was at Brat Fest I was in Burlington teenagers were skulking on park benches Guido and Vince were eating chocolate covered bacon and chili suckers.

It's just as well according to this article from the wire on lead in Mexican candy. Wish I would have been armed with that little tidbit before I hit The Expo. Take a whirl around the Food and Drug Administration Web site and you may never eat again.
Oh don't feel sorry for him, if you only knew; not too long ago he was grabbing my purse and dumping its contents on the floor of the Cub Foods check out line.

Who out there would buy a dairy cow t-shirt that said, "Kiss Me, I'm Lactating?"

NOTE to the unattractive man in the second row left of the visitor's dug out: Chill the f*&@ out, I have a point and shoot camera without a telephoto lens and I will obstruct your view of J.D.'s butt for a full 1.3 seconds while I take his picture.

This is what fireworksguide.com said about it:
Rhythm & Booms is Madison, Wisconsin's premier Independence Day Celebration and fireworks display. As the "largest fireworks display in the Midwest", it easily surpasses other fireworks events in Chicago, Minneapolis and Milwaukee because of the length of the show (approximately 35 minutes), the number of shells fired (15,000) during the show, and the size of its annual budget. It is the largest single-day event in Wisconsin.

The very end of June means not venturing too far from home for fear of running into a buzzing swarm of pyromaniacs and their ghastly hive of traffic.
Rainy weather caused a cancellation and moved the fireworks from Saturday to Sunday. That allowed me to score a couple Mallards tickets, see the game, and nurse a cooler full of consumables that lasted until the last shell was shot and the last song was sung.
Weren't Little Vito and the Torpedoes in their late 20s and 30s when I was sneaking into the Shuffle Inn as a teenager? I say this with love. Hell, all I did was eat, drink, watch baseball, and pet dogs, and I was wiped out. You go, Little Vito and your Torpedoes.

Everyone was all right, but somehow a policeman got caught up on one of the cars, dangled out of his seat, and dropped down to a freaked out kid a few cars below.
I got there while firemen were rigging cables to pull the cars down one at a time.

Things I learned at this year's Rhythm & Booms: