In case you missed this year's slightly soggy Rhythm & Booms, here are some lovely, er, photos (Ab Fab reference and possible quirk) which illustrate the theme.
Warm Up Quirk: I hate crowds, but love the places that hold them before it gets crowded.
A Few More
I'm bad at math and avoid things which intrude on that part of my brain. Who wants candy that makes you check state sales tax. That makes it what, $1.98? What the hell is that?

I only drink tea, but love the smell of coffee. Like Nitro Nanci, who claims she imbibed so much in her youth there isn't any more room left for alcohol, my inner coffee pot overflowed until I went completely off the bean.

I used to hate the color pink. It's tied into an intense dislike of cheerleaders, girlie girls, and the bars of Dove soap which occupied my mouth as a child. The older I get, the less I dislike pink. Except for pink eye, blech. Sorry, Chrissy. (This young lady, let's call her Jessica, put in a 16+ hour day on Saturday. She does not have pink eye.)

I always have to check out fair food concessions whether or not I have money to buy something or the will power not to. I've jumped many a fence to do so.

I haven't forgiven Chris Carter for killing off the Lone Gunmen. Or letting the last two seasons of the X-Files (in theaters July 25) live.

I've been dived bombed by birds so many times (walking or biking on trails), I started to carry a squirt gun. They buzz me with neither tree nor birdhouse in sight. I was walking down the MIDDLE OF THE BLEEPIN' ROAD tonight and they still f*&@ed with me. Bleepin' birds.

I don't consider my salsiccia and peppers done unless they're burned.

I think name calling is mean. Unless it's really funny. Case in point, my nickname in junior high was "Pube Head."

I like big fluffy dogs that lunge at you. Especially when the owner can't control them and you know they're the reason the dog feels it can party. That's okay boy, go for it. Good boy. I've been told my attitude doesn't help.

"Uh, I'd like to warm my cookies here—is there a charge for that?"

I find a lot of stuff that nobody else but me thinks is cool.