Sugar Buzz Red Alert: The sweet toothed Brits over at
Chocablog are giving away
Cadbury Dairy Milk bars. Fill out an online form to get Chocablog delivered to your inbox (sounds dirty, doesn't it) and tell them why you and you alone must have the ambrosial chocolate. They also say something about 1Kg equalling four 250g bars, but "it's all pounds, shillings, and pence to me."
I do know that although the picture below is
not a Dairy Milk bar, they are quite yummy, and the kind they're giving away probably don't grow on convenience store trees.

In other Sugar Buzz news,
Cybele's flickr photos are not only a great example of what food photos should look like, but damn y'all, she brought out the
Peppermint Crunch Junior Mints. I haven't seen them in the stores yet, have you? She's also got a unique and informative
candyblog entry on licorice―think I'll have a piece of
Kookaburra in a mo'―and be still my beating heart (no, not really, waiting for that next lipid panel), she's introduced us to
Sour Jujyfruits.
Now when I can't decide whether to sneak Sour Patch Kids, Dots, or Jujyfruits into the movie and the usher (no, not
the Usher) looks like one of the children from
Village of the Damned as did that creepy little bastard at
American Gangster, I can condense my boxed contraband to Sour Jujyfruits.